Full Stack Web Developer Training with Placement

COURSE FEE: 30,000.00 excl. GST

Become Full Stack Web Developer

  • Master web app development with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, and MySQL
  • Master the Full Stack (MEARN Stack), which includes Angular, ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, and MongoDB
  • Expert-led online live classes
  • Aptitude and Interview Preparation
  • 100% Placement Assurance through Unlimited Interview Calls
  • Tentative Salary Range – 2.4 LPA – 5 LPA (Depends on Company & Market Condition)

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About Course

Our Full-Stack Web Developer Course covers the following module courses. All these courses together provide all the necessary skills to become job-ready as a Full-Stack developer in an IT industry.

  • Web Programming
  • MEARN Stack (Mongo DB, ExpressJs, Angular, ReactJs, NodeJs)
  • 2 Real Projects
  • Quantitative & Reasoning Aptitude
  • Communication & Interview Skills

High-Level Course Content

Web Programming

  • HTML, HTML5, HTML Sections, HTML Forms, HTML Embed, CSS, CSS Color, CSS Border, CSS NavBar
  • JavaScript, JavaScript Loops, Form Validations, JQuery Basics
  • Bootstrap, Jumbotron, Carousal, Icon & Flex

MySQL Database

  • RDBMS Basics, Normalization, Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language
  • Constraints, Subquery, Data Query Language (DQL), Join, View, Stored Procedure, Trigger, Cursor


  • Angular Basics, TypeScript, Framework, Components, Decorators, Routing, Services, Directives
  • Data Bindings, Events, Forms, Pipes, I/O Data, Pagination,
  • MEAN Stack Programming, Http/Http Cilent


  • Introduction to React, Advance JS, Project Setup, React Features, Components, Style & Layout
  • React Forms, Routing, Redux & React Contents, Fetch Data (REST API)
  • Higher Order Component (HOC)


  • Introduction to Node JS, Setup Environment, Node JS Modules, Node Packet Manager
  • Creating Web Server, Node JS with MySQL, Node JS with MongoDB
  • File System, Query String & Timer


  • Introduction to Express, Configure Routes, Middleware, Template Engines
  • Static Files, Form data, Express JS with MySQL DB, Cookies, Sessions
  • Authentication, RESTful APIs, Scaffolding, Error Handling

Mongo DB

  • Introduction to MongoDB, No SQL Database, MongoDB Data Modelling
  • Create & Drop Database, Getting Database Information, Collection
  • MongoDB Documents, MongoDB Aggregation, Indexes


  • Percentage, Profit & Loss, Time, Distance & Speed, Trains, Boat & Stream
  • Ratios, Average, Alligation, Perm. & Comb., Probability, Time & Work, Ages, Clock
  • Calendar, Relation, Direction, Arith. Reasoning, Analogies, Venn Dgms., Syllogism

Interview Facing Skills

  • Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication, Email Communication
  • SWOT Analysis, Resume Preparation
  • Personal Interview – Do’s & Don’ts, Likely Questions, Common Mistakes, Mock Interviews

So what are you waiting for, Enroll today and become a Full-Stack Web Developer!

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Full Stack Web Developer Training with Placement
COURSE FEE: 30,000.00 excl. GST
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