- HTML Basics – Introduction, Document Element and Metadata, Section (Body, nav, H1 to H6, hgroup, header & footer)
- HTML Grouping Content – P and HR Element, PRE, OL, UL, LI Elements, DL, DT, DD, DIV Elements
- HTML Text-Level Semantics – B, I, U Elements, BR, Strong, A Elements, SPAN, EM Elements
- HTML Embedded Content – IMG, IFRAME Elements, EMBED, VIDEO, AUDIO Elements
- HTML Tabular Elements – Table data
- HTML Form – Form Elements, Form Input Tag, Select, Option, Data List, Optgroup, Fieldset Elements, label Element, Textarea, Output, Button Element
- Introduction – Basics, CSS Selector, CSS Color Background
- Border – CSS Border with Practical, Margin, Padding, Height, Width, Box Model, Outline
- Position & Display – CSS Display & Position
- Font and Navbar – Font, Navigation Bar, Practicals
- Effects – CSS Gradients, Shadows, Text Effects, 2D/3D Transforms, Styling Images
- JavaScript Basics – Introduction, Constant, Datatypes, Functions, Expressions, Comments, Identifiers
- JavaScript Conditions – Conditional Statements, Looping, String Object, String Methods
- JavaScript (Others)- JavaScript Object, Array, Date Object, BOM, Form Validation
- jQuery – Basics, CSS Selector, Events, Slide, Fade Animate Effect
- Bootstrap – Introduction, Table & Image, Jumbotron, Color & Button, Nav & Navigation Bar, Forms & Form Validation, Icons & Flex, Modal & Pagination, Carousal, Alerts & Media Objects
Pushpanjali Kumbhar –
This upskill course is very helpful for me. The videos are Excellent. Online modules are easy to access and easy to is an amazing way to learn
Monika Patil –
Good Course For Beginner.